Discounts are Available for 5 Class Package, 10 Class Package, 15 Class Package, and Drop In
Coupon codes:
Please Note that none of our packages are teacher or class specific (except for workshops and series). If you purchase a package, please enjoy it on any of our regularly scheduled classes prior to its expiration date.
**If you need an extension on your punch pass, please select the Package Extension below for a 4 week extension on your current expiration date.**
Class Deals
$16.60 / class
Expires 45 days from date of purchase.
Expiration Date is Firm.
$14.50 / class
Expires 75 days from date of purchase. Expiration Date is Firm.
$14.67/ class
Expires 100 days from date of purchase. Expiration Date is Firm.
Package Extension - 4 Week Expiration Date Extension
The selection of this package entitles you to the extension of your expiration date on your CURRENT package for four (4) weeks from your current set expiration date. This extension is good on your current package only and cannot be used on a past package. Non Transferable to other members and Non Transferrable to any future packages. This is only available for use on the 5, 10, and 15 class punch passes.
Unlimited Deals
One Month of Unlimited Yoga - For New Clients
Must be completely new to Yoga Loka (not returning) and a local resident to qualify for this special offer. Offer does not include Workshops or Events.
Expires 30 days from date of purchase. Non renewable. (Package CAN NOT be shared)
Monthly Unlimited
Auto Renewal Membership
*One time
enrollment fee of $55 will be attached to the first month's payment, due at sign up. (Package CAN NOT be shared)
Donations are Graciously Accepted
Please Visit the button provided if you feel called and able to donate to our studio.