Reno’s 200 Hour Elevated Academy
Next Session Begins January 2025
The Omni Shanti School of Yoga is Proud to Present our
200 Hour Elevated Academy
At Yoga Loka, we believe that the finest teachers are the forever students. We know that it will be the lifelong learners who change the world, and we know the value and the joy that comes with being able to call upon one of these people as our teacher. The deep connection and love built between teacher and student is a blessing for both, and we will honor and foster this connection, while giving students the opportunity within a safe space to build friendships and connections with each other as they learn. We welcome you to our 200 hour Elevated Academy, where we know you will receive an elite teacher training full of warmth, community, tradition, and ethical skills - all held to the highest of standards.
While our program is an amazing opportunity for those who may not want to teach (those taking the training for their own practice and deeper knowledge), this training has been carefully designed to make it highly functional to its purpose.
All trainees will graduate ready to teach yoga should you decide you want to. You will exit the program with the confidence, skill, and knowledge to creatively compile offerings and deliver them in a transformational way that will set you apart in the yoga community.
The Benefits of our 200 hour Elevated Academy:
This foundational training is designed to give you a transformational experience, if you will allow it. You will gain a deeper understanding of being true to yourself and your students, and you will join a beautiful and like minded community of difference makers. While you will graduate ready to teach group or private classes, experienced yoga practitioners who are not necessarily interested in teaching can also benefit very much from this training.
200 Hour Training Schedule (Dates/Times we will meet):
January 17, 18, 19
February 7, 8, 9 & 21, 22, 23
March 21, 22, 23
April 11, 12, 13
May 2, 3, 4
June 6, 7, 8 & 20, 21, 22
July 18, 19, 20
August 15, 16, 17
September 12, 13, 14
October 17, 18, 19
Hours of Class:
All scheduled Fridays: 1pm - 5pm
All scheduled Saturdays: 11am - 5pm
All Scheduled Sundays: 11am - 5pm
Tuition Options for Every Budget
Full tuition of $2,595 is paid in full by November 15, 2024.
No penalty for early payment.
Please Contact Nikki for Enrollment Information.
$1,500 is paid by November 15, 2024 and the balance of $1,295 is paid by February 15, 2025. No penalty for early payoff.
Please Contact Nikki for Enrollment Information.
$1,500 is paid by November 15, 2024 with monthly payments of $200 beginning February 15th, 2025, for 7 months.
Please contact Nikki for details.
No early payoff penalty.
Please Contact Nikki for Enrollment Information.
Tuition includes:
Tuition Does Not Include:
Included in Training will be:
Knowledge of alignment principles, details of individual poses, awareness of how the body moves & breaths, and the art of verbal cueing provides the ability to demonstrate and teach with inspiration and clarity.
Explored Topics Include:
Complete sequencing
Sequencing for class themes and target poses
Physical and verbal adjustments
General touch principles & Ethics of touching other's bodies.
Use of Props
Modifications and when to use them
Special populations
Contraindications to poses
Intro to the Bandhas
Breath awareness & Breathwork, including contraindications/risks
Koshas, Kleshas, Chakras
Nadi System & Prana Vayus
Meditation Techniques, Savasana, and their differences.
Anatomy will be taught from a functional perspective of the body in asana, as well as with different body types in mind.
We will explore:
The anatomy of the skeletal system
The anatomy of the major joints and muscles
Types of muscle contraction
The nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, and digestive systems of the body
The respiratory system, as well as the muscles that affect voluntary and involuntary breathing
Safe movement
Joint stabilization, misalignment, and adaptations
A skilled yoga teacher creates an atmosphere of awareness for the group while remaining sensitive to the individual student.
Yoga has such a rich history, so we will spend some time on the following:
History of yoga
Different yoga lineages, as well as our own
Key dates and ideas in the history of yoga
Deep exploration of the sacred yoga texts (Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, The Yamas & Niyamas, The Bhagavad Gita, etc)
Our code of conduct and policies (in accordance with Yoga Alliance)
Effective teaching will come if you can internalize some of the wisdom from experienced teachers.
We will discuss/practice:
Class environment & class management
The Yoga Alliance credentialing process
Your ethical commitment as a teacher
Scope of Practice
General professionalism including punctuality, cleanliness, and your duty to other teachers in your studio.
Marketing, liability insurance, waivers, and taking payment.
You will learn a lot by your teaching practicum, which we prepare for in depth.
Description Title
Ayurveda is the sister science to Yoga, and the two complement eachother beautifully as you move into living your yoga.
We will introduce the following:
The Dosha System and differences between them
Ayurvedic ways we cleanse the body
Aurvedic eating according to doshas and what makes foods contain heating or cooling properties
Ayurvedic living
Certificate of Completion:
A certificate of completion will be awarded upon completion of the following criteria: